Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 13: Cold and Rainy to Sunshine and 80- The Trip Home!

The Return Trip

After packing my bags and getting about 2 hours of sleep, it was time to report to the hotel lobby and make our way to the airport. Our time in London had finally come to an end. I loved every minute in London, but to be honest I was fairly ready to go home. With Airborne school fast approaching I really just wanted to get back to my routine. That, and I really missed my puppy. Ok, and Dalton too. 

A long bus ride was followed by an even longer wait in line. A few stamps and stickers and we were through security and boarding the plane. It was sad to leave a place I was finally starting to feel like home, but I was too tired to get sentimental. I was mostly just excited about getting a window seat, meaning I had something to lean my head on and could actually get some sleep. 

This picture is literally a mystery. At some point in my coma deliria I took this picture. It is pretty cool, just not sure what country I am looking at.

The plane ride back was much better than the plane ride to England. The seats were much more comfortable and there were hundreds more options to watch for TV on the plane. For the flight into England, I watched Mulan 3 times. If anyone needs to quote "I'll make a man out of you" let me know, cause I can. On this flight, there was hundreds of movie options. I started with Les Miserables, moved to Guilt Trip, and finished with Everybody loves Ramen and Friends.

This was our inflight meal. It was awesome! It was miles better than the meal we were served on the flight to London. 

A few hours later we were in Chicago. To get through Customs, we had to retrieve our bag from the return, walk about 100 feet, then put it back in the checked bag drop. Anything for safety...

Upon arrival in Chicago, everyone was pretty excited that we could smell grease from a McDonalds. True America. We were delayed just a bit in Chicago because (and I quote from the flight attendant) "We can't find the plane." But it was found and before we knew it we were off and zooming home.

Just sending a shout out to this fella at Delta. He was working hard and all, I just loved his relaxing pose in short shorts and kneepads. Classic. 

And finally my travels come to an end. We landed in Rapid City and was met with 80 degree weather and the sun. It had literally been about 2 weeks since I had seen the sun so this was a big deal. But the absolute best part of arriving at Rapid City, was smell of dirt and just seeing the land. No buildings, no concert, just dirt and cows and rolling hills. It is strange to realize how much you can miss the simple smells of home. In Rapid, the group went their ways. I was sad to see some of my new close friends leave and I hope we can stay true to the promises we made to stay in contact and hang out. I then had another 2 hour bus ride to Chadron and finally.... HOME. Well,  my home for now.

And here was my surprise at home! My boyfriend Dalton spoiled me with 3 dozen roses (they wouldn't all fit in the picture), new boots, a diamond necklace, my favorite snack, gun cleaning equipment, and a bunch of things for Airborne. Pairing diamonds and military grade equipment, he is so thoughtful. But seriously, he is the best thing ever and I am very lucky to have him, so I plan to use this blog to embarrass him. Thanks babe, you are THEE best!

I had the most wonderful time in England and Ireland and am glad I could share some of it with you. My only regret of this trip is that I did not travel abroad earlier. I know understand what a friend told me about traveling abroad- that it plants a 'bug' inside of you, and you will always want to keep on traveling and seeing the world. And I can proudly say I have caught this bug and plan to go everywhere I can. I am so blessed to have this opportunity for travel and learning and cannot wait to get a few more stamps in my passport.

Thanks for reading everyone!

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